Monday, 14 October 2013

MG-42 Project Finished

This is the lowpoly model of the MG-42 I posted earlier. It has 1.972 tris (small triangles) and the textures are 1024px.

The project has gone quite well and I'm pretty happy with the result. There are some issues that I've not managed to solve but most are fixed. These images are taken from the viewport in 3ds Max with the Xoliul shader.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

MG 42 Zbrush Project WIP

This is the Zbrush model I've made for a formative at school. It's not 100% complete yet as I still need to do a lowpoly version and the textures but I'm done with the highpoly :D

So far I have spent around 20 hours modeling it, although a lot of that time was spent learning the ins and outs of Zbrush which I've not had much experience working with before.